Imaginary (2024 ) Hindi Dubbed Watch movie -

Imaginary (2024 ) Hindi Dubbed Watch movie

hing actually that scary anymore? The actors weren’t bad, they would only act out what’s in front of them but I liked the idea of this movie a lot but not what was delivered, sadly. Also, I didn’t see any need for the husband to even be in the movie, that felt like a pointless character to be trimmed out. Additionally, there is always the same kind of family dynamics in these movies with a miserable angsty teenager etc, would have been cool to make the movie stand out and not always follow the samey blueprint.

There are many horror flicks with evil-infested dolls or puppets, but you keep hoping for something different. Alas, this “Imaginary” is as generic and predictable as they come: the little kid in a home with some complicated family-dynamics, the house with a creepy history, the cute doll (here a teddybear) that we at times (oh horror!!) see turn his head and that more and more gets a supernatural hold on the kid, and a climactic finale in which the evil finally shows its true terrifying shape. It’s all there.

Well, even predictability doesn’t have to be bad, if it’s well done, with some decent special effects and a solid story. But unfortunately all this was not the case here. The story is shaky and unnecessary complicated, and direction and editing are disappointing:

the whole movie is way too talkative and explanatory (especially from the moment the old neighbor lady steps in), and for a supposed horror movie it’s way too low on serious scares. Teddybear Chauncey is definitely no Chucky or Annabelle, until the final showdown he doesn’t cause any deaths or destruction, even the obnoxious boyfriend (in most horror movies a number one candidate for a gruesome killing) got away in one piece.


There’s an inventive plot-twist halfway in time, and the supernatural Escher-like labyrinth, in which the family in the end gets trapped to fight the evil, is well done, but that couldn’t save the movie. A pity, since the acting was pretty good. The cast had earned a better vehicle to ride in.

Family moves to creepy house; a young child has paranormal experiences; a moody teen does moody teen things; not all the adults are what they seem; a character finds repressed memories are dragged up; yada, yada, yada.

It’s not quite bad, but it certainly isn’t good. There’s a bit of Poltergeist, a bit of Nightmare on Elm Street, a bit of Labyrinth – and it’s unclear whether this is meant as an homage-melange, or a pilfering of tropes from a variety of better films.

The film relies heavily on jump-scares, but there’s little sense of terror. The twists can be seen coming a mile away. The ending is frankly lazy.

The cast do their best. Young Pyper Braun is good as the girl at the centre of things, DeWanda Wise OK as the step-mother trying to penetrate the mystery. The rest are either under-used or let down by a thin script and unimaginative direction (or both).

The special effects budget was clearly painfully small, and no-one was able to anything convincing or scary with it.

Not a film that will live long in the memory.

It’s difficult to know where to begin.

The plot is wafer-thin and the actors are given so little to work with its a wonder they saw this project through. At least the dad had the good sense to check out halfway through.

This movie is so bad in every way. It started with some reasonable ideas. The creepy kid, the mad old lady and a forgotten troubled childhood but the movie just wastes these ideas.

The bizarre final act is full of awful monologues and exposition and possibly the most pathetic final monster committed to film.

This move has less depth, plot and scares than an episode of the old Goosebumps TV series.

Do yourself a favour and do something else with your time.

It’s just not scary. The cast aren’t convincing enough, obviously not used to acting in a horror film. The storyline is confused in itself and doesn’t know which direction to go in. Make up is so amateur; you can see the plastic on faces.

The actors just seem to go through the motions. They don’t give any impression that they are being pursued by the ‘Entity’, do not show any fear in their faces.

The script seems to have stolen plots from ‘Poltergeist’ and ‘The Conjuring’. But it just doesn’t work. There are so many holes in the plot. Where was the girls father? Why didn’t the mum ring him and tell him what was happening? Why wasn’t the little girl showing any signs of being frightened?

Don’t waste your time. Or your money.

Imaginary is a fair supernatural horror film with a concept about children’s imaginary friends becoming some evil entity in a spirit world. Its a bit of poltergeist like film. The film has some cheesy dialogue and it lacks the scares and horror. Which it could have added jump scares and be a little intense to make this film worthy.

The plot follows Jessica (DeWanda Wise) as she and her new family with her step children move into her old childhood home. After a tragedy happened with her and her father at the house that left her dad speechless and traumatized. Her step daughter Alice comes across a teddy bear which she makes out to be an imaginary friend which becomes very sinister.

The cast ensemble was okay. The story was decent. The script was a bit cheesy with the dialogue. And the direction with Jeff Wadlow has been lacking with providing any scares or intensity. Yes the characters come across something evil and the way it was filmed. It failed to even put you on the edge of your seat. Interesting concept but failed to execute the scares.

Overall, it was an okay film that failed to deliver on scares and thrills.

I don’t know that anything could convince me that AI wasn’t heavily involved with writing this. It’s offensively bad. It’s a boring concept, the bear is the least threatening thing I’ve ever seen, the plot barely exists, and it’s way too long. I’d call it comically bad, but that would imply a “so bad it’s good” sort of movie. It’s almost insulting that Blumhouse is able to get away with making movies like this into a full theatrical release.

I hate this movie and everything that it represents. This is the laziest, most boring thing I’ve seen in ages, and there are people somewhere in Hollywood making millions of of it. Bleh.

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